Golf Course
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Teacher and AASC Community Coach Josh Bullock loves his golf and has passed his passion onto the students at Wellington Primary School. Whenever possible golf is part of his class sport and along with AASC Regional Coordinator, Min Quayle and JNJG Territory Manager, Sharon Nott. Josh organised a full MyGolf day at the local Pioneer Park as well as a bus to the Wellington Golf Club after school for 20 AASC students.
During school time six classes (100 students) undertook sessions running for 45 mins on the oval with Sharon Nott from JNJG. Much excitement was had with a few ‘Hole in Ones’ and the challenge of the chipping contest.
At the Golf Club students were split into four groups with an adult in each group, and a three hole ambrose event was played. Wellington Golf Club will be hosting the WDLGA Junior Boys and Girls camp in the October holidays (1-4th Oct) and with having the AASC Golf program running up to the camp it is hoped that interest will be generated and new faces will want to go and learn more about golf.
The camp will have Golf Professionals, Bruce McLean and Eddie Emerson, as well as local Community Coaches, Emma Betland from Forbes (who is just back from finishing her golf scholarship in America) and Jane Perfect (a single marker from Bathurst who has just finished her degrees at Charles Sturt University). Both girls have come through the junior ranks and are now giving something back to junior golf which is fantastic. For further details of the camp and other events in the Central West and Western Territory [click here].
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