AASC and Sport Development Officers Working Together in the Western Region
What does golf have in common with cricket, tennis, lawn bowls and AFL? They are all linked by a relationship with the Active After-school Communities (AASC) program and they all met in Dubbo at the end of June to discuss exciting new opportunities that are being developed in the local region.
The AASC program is looking to facilitate opportunities for a number of sports including Golf to encourage kids to consider joining a club or participating in activities that are available in the western region, and let’s face it in some of our remote areas the only opportunity that might exist could be a small golf club, a couple of community tennis courts or a lawn bowls club.
By exploring opportunities and pushing boundaries we are seeing a return to some of these sports by kids who are relishing the opportunity of participating in activities that can be found in their own communities.
AASC Golf in terms three and four have been requested at more than 18 schools throughout the Central West and Western area from Trunkey to Tibooburra. Where possible, JNJG Territory Manager, Sharon Nott will be involved with a full day MyGolf school visit including a session at the local golf club.
Building on existing relationships with sport, the AASC program is helping sport identify opportunities through local schools and Out of School Hours Care Centres through a regular quarterly meeting opportunity. Discussions include future directions in sport, and joint initiative opportunities.
Attendees included:
- Sharon Nott – JNJG Territory Manager
- Nathan Wilkins – Tennis NSW – Community Tennis Officer
- Josh Thornton – Bowls Australia – Community Development Officer
- Matthew Tabbernor – Cricket NSW – Development Manager
- Peter Yandle – NSW AFL – Regional Manager
- Beth Shea, Nina Nyitrai, Tony Ashton, Tracey Whillock – AASC regional Coordinators Western NSW
To get involved in the program contact: Jack Newton Junior Golf at www.jnjg.com.au
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