Trish,Judy and Bridgit enjoy the Willunga greens as part of the club&aposs recent &aposTry Golf&apos ladies program Willunga Golf Club have taken a significant step forward in the recruitment of new female members, on the back of a successful &aposTry Golf&apos introductory program recently held at the club. Organised by the Willunga Golf Club Women&aposs Committee, with the assistance of a grant from the Department of Recreation and Sport, the Try Golf lessons were conducted twice weekly over a period of four weeks at a cost of $50 per person. Renowned professional Anne Marie Knight took the beginners through all aspects of the game with women members of the club lending a hand whenever needed. Explanatory leaflets provided each week by Monique Bickley were very much appreciated and quickly snapped up. A cuppa was available after each lesson so those that wished could stay, have a chat and compare progress. A three-month &aposspecial&apos membership was offered to encourage all ladies to join, and much to the delight of the club fifteen of the twenty-two participants took up this offer. The Try Golf coaching is being followed up with around four weeks of escorting the new members around the course before they will be encouraged to join existing members on competition days.