A Forum attended by Australia&aposs leading state and national handicapping and course rating officials has initiated a decision to suspend Women&aposs Calculated Course Rating (WCCR) for a trial period of one year. This period will start on 1 October and is to allow for an intensive review of the WCCR process with a view to addressing the flaws in the existing formula. The National Handicapping & Course Rating Forum instigated this move after agreeing to retain the framework of the current handicapping and course rating system for men’s and women&aposs golf. Attending the Forum at Yarra Yarra Golf Club, were representatives of each of the Member States, as well as representatives from Golf Australia, Golf Management Australia, and Golf Link. The two-day review thoroughly analysed each component of a handicapping and course rating system. The aim was to identify the Forum&aposs general preferences and outcomes that would be the basis for moving forward. A key outcome from the Forum was that the Calculated Course Rating (CCR) option is likely to be the best way forward for Australian golf. It was agreed that both the men&aposs and women&aposs CCR formulas will be refined and improved. In particular, the Forum delegates recommended a suspension of the women&aposs CCR process for one year. It was accepted that the current women&aposs formulas were intrinsically flawed as they were not designed by analysing women&aposs data but instead were the result of adopting the men&aposs process. (During this one-year period, research and analysis of women&aposs handicapping data will be carried out on an unprecedented scale with a view to arriving at a formula which best fits the distribution of handicaps and scores peculiar to women’s golf in Australia.) The Golf Australia Member State Associations were asked to vote on whether to suspend the CCR process for women’s golf for one year. This process has just concluded with the Member States voting in favour of the recommendation. Further key details in Q&A format are as follows: When does the new procedure come into effect? 1 October 2007. Is it permanent? No, it is for a trial period of one year. What is the actual change? During the one-year period, the AWCR (Australian Women’s Course Rating) must be used for handicapping all Australian women’s competitions. I look after the handicapping at a club which is on Golf Link. Do I have to make any changes? No, Golf Link will automatically make all the changes for you. I look after the handicapping at a club which is not on Golf Link and we are unable to effect the change on 1 October. What should we do? You will need to make the change as soon as possible after this time. Does this change have any affect on men’s regulations? No, it only applies to women’s golf. Will the allowance for Preferred Lies &aposthrough the green&apos and Tee Up &aposthrough the green&apos still apply? The following stipulation WILL STILL APPLY during the suspension period: When Preferred Lies through the green or Tee Up through the green apply, the AWCR must be reduced by 2 strokes. This is a temporary change to the Australian Women&aposs Course Rating System but is there any change to the Australian Women&aposs Handicapping System? This temporary change has no impact on the Australian Women’s Handicapping System (eg to components such as buffer zones). What will happen at the end of the one-year trial period? During this one-year period, research and analysis of women&aposs handicapping data will be carried out on an unprecedented scale with a view to arriving at a formula which best fits the distribution of handicaps and scores peculiar to women’s golf in Australia. If a viable WCCR formula option is devised, this will be presented to Member States for ratification. If a viable WCCR option is not able to be devised, other options will be considered by the Committee. Who do I contact if I have any further queries? You should contact your state association or Golf Australia.