Date: October 16, 2011

World media taken by Carbrook sharks

Carbrook Golf Club has been the subject of its own feeding frenzy – and not from the bull sharks in the club&aposs lake. A recent visit from a UK correspondent for SKY News sent the world&aposs media into a spin as the famous sharks hit the headlines across the globe. Carbrook Golf Club General Manager Scott Wagstaff uploaded shark vision to YouTube before the correspondent visited. That video now has more than 2 million hits. Coverage of the golf club and the sharks has appeared in England, France, Italy, Greece, Denmark, Sweden, Russia, Pakistan, New Zealand, Thailand, South Africa and the United States. Watch the report that sparked the media frenzy: Our story from April 2011 For most players, ending up in the lake on any golf course is trouble – but Carbrook members have got more than just wet feet to worry about. Bull sharks, often thought to be a local myth, call the lake home – and a final resting place for many stray golf balls over the years. As to how they got there, Carbrook Golf Club General Manager Scott Wagstaff said Mother Nature was likely to be involved. “There were some pretty big floods here in the mid 90s and the sharks sort of made their way from the Logan River,” Wagstaff said. Watch the story (Courtesy: Nine News Queensland)