Date: September 03, 2014

Writing and Publishing a Golf Club History

We are incredibly fortunate to have amazing expertise at our fingertips to enable our golf clubs record and publish its history. Two documents, Writing Golf History and Publishing a Golf Club History, have been made available for all golf clubs to download – courtesy Australian Golf Heritage Society (AGHS), the British Golf Collectors Society, Barry Leithhead and Longueville Media.


The booklet, Writing a Golf Club History was a cooperative effort by Barry Leithhead of the Australian Golf Heritage Society and John Pearson of the British Golf Collectors Society. This document has been widely used in UK and Australia. In fact, the USGA is planning to distribute it to all its member golf clubs. This recognition by the USGA is a great tribute to the practical value of the booklet.

The document Publishing a Golf Club History was a joint effort between Barry and Longueville Media in Sydney to take the history writing project to its obvious conclusion. This document has been available on the AGHS website but has not been widely distributed.

When golf club members take on the task of writing a club history and getting it published, they often don’t realise the size of the task they are taking on and the issues they will need to confront. The two documents give advice on various strategies for setting about the task and seeing it through to publication and distribution.

Golf clubs in New South Wales are invited to download the two documents and print them (PDF version can be found below). They may be of use right away. They will almost certainly be useful at some time in the future.

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About the Australian Golf Heritage Society

The aim of the Australian Golf Heritage Society (AGHS) is to encourage the collection, research, recording and preservation of information and objects connected with the history of golf in Australia, to inform golfers, golf clubs and the community in general. 

Membership of the Society is available year round to any interested parties. Members will receive regular updates and communication via 'The Brassie' eNewsletter, have opportunities to meet and share views and interests with like-minded individuals, and be afforded the opportunity to play in all Society playing events, including the Dan Cullen Trophy, the interstate Al Howard Trophy, the Bobby Locke Trophy, the President's Putter and the annual Australian Hickory Shaft Championship. There is no joining fee, just a very reasonable annual subscription.

For more information about AGHS visit: