Date: November 14, 2016
Author: Golf Tasmania

Penguin Wins Bronze Stableford

Penguin members Janette Mossop and Hazel Bond took out this year’s Bronze Stableford held at the North West Bay Golf Club on Monday.


The duo won by five strokes from the George Town Golf Club with a combined team stableford total of 63 points.


Mossop was the best of the winning pair returning a massive 40 points while Bond chipped in with 23 points.


George Town was represented by Vicki Towns and Leonie Gordon with Gordon carding 37 points and Towns 21.


The individual title went to host club member Carolyn Duggan who carded 32 stableford points.


Duggan was followed by Kingston Beach’s Dianne Males on 32 points and Moorina’s Tania Thompson in third on 31 points.


To view the full results click here.